Honey-B-Gone 16oz - #C499

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Item #C499

16 oz Bottle

Honey-B-Gone is made of natural oils that bees just don’t like. When you spray Honey-B-Gone on a fume board or apply it to an area you are doing a bee removal from, the honey bees flee! To us though, it has a pleasant smell much like almonds or cherries. Honey B Gone smells great and works quickly to make removal of honeybees from your honey supers easy and quick.

How to Use Honey-B-Gone

Honey-B-Gone is best used with a fume board when the weather is warm. To use a fume board with Honey-B-Gone, it is best to leave the fume board in the sun before applying the product to the pad. Some people have even painted the top of their fume board black in order to help with the vaporization of the product. Apply a liberal amount to the fume board pad (NOT DRIPPING) and place on top of the super. Wait about 2 to 3 minutes and remove.